AS32M analyzer
Continuous monitoring of ambient Nitrogen Dioxide AS32M Analyzer
The European Directive 2008/50/EC requires the measurement of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in all urban areas of more than 100 000 inhabitants. Currently, sites located in the vicinity of roads, directly impacted by vehicle emissions are most likely to experience poor air quality.
Designed to alleviate potential disadvantages of the chemiluminscence method and to provide the most accurate value for NO2 concentration measurements, the AS32M analyzer provide fast and accurate measurements.
- Accurate, precise and direct continuous monitoring of ambient NO2
- Innovative technology plus touchscreen convenience (optionally)
- Visible (450 nm) absorption measurement using patented Cavity Attenuated Phase Shift (CAPS) technology
- Direct measurement of the sample – no chemical conversion required
- Measurement of ambient concentrations to 1000 ppbv
- Essentially interference-free
- Insensitive to presence of varying levels of nitric oxide, aerosols, humidity and other trace atmospheric species
- No Toxic Gas Emissions
- Real-time synoptic flow diagram display
- Extremely compact, easy to use with minimal maintenance (periodic change of particle filter)
- Linear Response (0-1000 ppbv)
- Built-in USB port and serial interface (RS 232 / RS 422)
- Full remote emulation of the analyzer
- US EPA equivalent method applied
- Ambient air monitoring
- Indoor air quality continuous monitoring
- Mobile and fixed monitoring laboratories
- Traffic stations
- NO2 measurement according to the European Directive 2008/50/CE
- Measurement Range: 0-1 ppm
- Detection limit (2s): 0.1 ppb
- Repeatability standard deviation at zero: 0.05 ppb
- Repeatability standard deviation at a level of the hourly limit value (200 µg/m3 ): 0.2 ppb
- Short zero drift: 0.75 ppb (24h)
- Short span drift: 1.5 ppb
- Response time (rise): 16 s
- Response time (fall): 16 s
- Difference between rise time and fall time: <1s
- Lack of fit (linearity)(residual from the linear regression function): <4%
- Lack of fit (linearity) at zero (residual at zero): 0.6 ppb (24h)
- Sensitivity coefficient of surrounding temperature (0 to 30°C): <0.2 ppb/K
- Autonomy: up to one year of NO2 measurements (on 1/4 h sampling rate)
- Valves block for selection of external zero and span gas
- Sample dryer
- Ethernet network connection
- Integrated web-server with full remote emulation of the analyzer
- Large touch screen permitting one-touch control of the system as well as pre-configuration of analysis tasks
- ESTEL electronic board (1 or 2) with:
– 4 independent analog inputs
– 4 independent analog outputs
– 4 remote control inputs
– 6 dry contacts outputs - SOREL electronic board with:
– 4 dry contacts outputs
– 4 dry contacts inputs - Built-in permeation bench with NO2 tube